Sacrament Meeting

Sunday, February 16

Presiding: Bishop Ted Smith

Conducting: Jed Armstrong

Music Leader: Debbie Purdon

Organist: Elizabeth Palmer

Opening Song: .#1004 - I Will Walk with Jesus

Opening Prayer: Jackson Hill

Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn: #178- O Lord of Hosts

Administration of the Sacrament

Speaker: Theresa Wisden

Ward Choir: Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

Speaker: Joseph Wisden

Closing Hymn: #95 - Now Thank We All Our God

Closing Prayer: Kelvyn Cullimore

Ward Announcements

January-March 2025, Family History Classes at the Multi-stake Family History Center located at 540 E 7155 S. For schedule of classes click the following link: Schedule 2.pdf

Thursday thru Saturday, March 6-8 - RootsTech Family History Conference: RootsTech offers a unique opportunity to make family connections and discoveries and gain understanding that can be used to help gather Israel and unite families on both sides of the veil. To Register go to
- In-Person Conference:
  registration is $129
- Online Conference: Free    Receive free access to all virtual sessions and events on - Saturday, March 8 - Family Discovery Day is a free event at the Salt Palace Convention Center featuring live music and family history activities for all ages  

Sunday, March 16 - Worldwide Relief Society Devotional Messages from Elder Dale G. Renlund and the Relief Society General Presidency. For all members of Relief Society and young women turning 18 in 2025. This will be held at our ward building. More information to come as we get closer.

April 5-6 General Conference. Saturday at 10 AM; 2 PM and 6 PM; Sunday at 10 AM and 2 PM.

April 15-19 Butler West Stake Holy Week Program at the Stake Center, 1845 E 7200 S

Sunday, April 20, 10:30 am - Easter Sunday

Sunday, May 4 - Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults (ages 18 - 35) in North and South America

Upcoming Youth Activities

Wednesday, Feb 19 6:45 Ice Skating Combined YM &YW activity. Meet at the church at 6:45. Bring Membership cards.

Wednesday, Mar 19, 7-8:30 pm. Combined YM/YW activity. Biz Town

Make sure you have these on your calendars: 

June 20-21 for our YW camp at Bear Lake 

 July 9-11. Stake Trek If you want to be ma & pa, aunt let Susan Thorpe know asap

Ongoing Activities

Building Cleaning - The Cleaning Crews for the next 4 weeks are listed below.

Sundays at 12:40 Ward Choir - meets Sundays at 12:40 in the chapel. For more info contact Lauren Olson (801) 361-1310

Tuesdays 8:30-10:00 am - Pickleball:  Whitmore Ward Ladies and guests,  @ Whitmore Ward. All welcome!  If interested, please text Carol Lasson 801-244-9093.  

Fridays 8:00 am - Pickleball: Mixed Group,  @ Whitmore Ward.  All welcome!   If interested, please text Richard Lasson 801-671-1969 or Carol Lasson 801-244-9093.

Thursday evenings 7 to 10 pm - Pickleball: Advanced Players, mostly men, @ Butler West Stake Center. It's open to everyone in the Stake.  If interested, contact Gary Allen (801) 870-0936.


Saturday, March 8 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 7

Names: Jackson, Douglas Romney Jepperson, Tom & Carol Jesclard, Terrance Johnson, Tony & Nancy Jolley, Brent Kaufusi, Jeffery & Brooke Kent, Jedediah King, Clark & Sally

Saturday, March 1 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 6

Names: Faerber, Paula Fagergren, Brad & Ellen Ferre, Shawn & Michelle Fisher, Jeremy & Jessi Flitton, Gordon & Candy Ford, Jen Frogley, Jay Grant, Jesse & Katie 

Saturday, March 8 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 7

Names: Green, Whitney Halvorsen, Tyler & Bobbie Hanson, Michael & Shelly Hatch, Stephen & Rebecca Haynes, Moray Haynes, Robyn Hone, Rikki Hortin, Von & Karla Hulka, Jane Irwin, Susie Ison, Dennis & Leslie

Saturday, February 22 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 5

Names: Crocker, Kevin & Kristine Cullimore, Kelvyn & Laurie Durrant, David Ekberg, Arlen & Linda Ekberg, Lane Evans, Todd & Angela Evans, Trent & Aubrianne Smith, Riley & Victoria Clayton, Devan

Carol Lasson, 801-244-9093, TFH consultant

Abe Mardanlou, 801-664-1546, Temple and Family History Leader

For more information about our TFH Activities, Learning Chunks, and Archives, please go to our Temple and Family History Activities page!

For Temple and Family History Help

Temple & Family History Quote:

A Promise from President Russell M Nelson
My dear brothers and sisters, here is my promise. Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshipping in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit. Nothing will protect you more as you encounter the world’s mists of darkness. Nothing will bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement or help you understand God’s magnificent plan more, Nothing will soothe your spirit more during times of pain. Nothing will open the heavens more. Nothing!                                      


January 19

Luca and Katherine Ramos     Primary

January 11

Janice Allison          Primary teacher

Hugh Meadows       SS 2nd Counselor

January 4

Ryan Trentham   Boys Activity Leader


January 18

Amber Sellers    Nursery

January 11

Hugh Meadows        SS 1st Counselor

Riley Smith              SS 2nd Counselor

January 4

Ryan Trentham    Primary Teacher

Click on this link:

Temple and Family History

for Whitmore ward’s temple and family history activities and learning chunks!

Please consider serving as a Draper Temple Service Missionary

With the lifting of COVID restrictions in the temples there is a dire need of more church service missionaries to serve in the laundry

  • 4 hrs per week

  • Tuesday through Saturday needed - especially Friday and Saturday evenings

  • Instructions for how to signup online

  • Have questions? Call the laundry supervisor, Sister Kathy Nielsen at 801-576-4240 extension 128

Members who have served in the laundry will tell you that the service is indeed a joy, and a labor of love that makes a real and tangible difference in supporting the work of redeeming the dead.

Please Renew your Temple Recommend


Spencer Hille (385) 313-4201

to schedule an appointment.

To schedule a temple renewal interview with a member of the Stake Presidency, please scan the QR code below (with your mobile device or camera) or enter the web address below the QR Code into your web browser.

Butler West Stake Presidency temple recommend schedule. Sundays between 2pm - 4pm Butler West Stake Center 1845 East 7200 South

Scan Me