Sacrament Meeting

Sunday, September 15

Presiding: Bishop Ted Smith

Conducting: Chris Patch

Music Leader: Debbie Purdon

Organist: Carol Lasson

Opening Song: #249 - Called to Serve

Opening Prayer: Matt Rider

Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn: #174 - While of These Emblems We Partake

Administration of the Sacrament

Speaker: Barbara Thompson, Stake Primary 2nd Counselor

Congressional Hymn: #147 - Sweet is the Work

Speaker: Ken Church

Closing Hymn:  #166 - Abide with Me!

Closing Prayer: Brad Barger

Ward Announcements

Building Cleaning - The Cleaning Crews for the next 4 weeks are listed below.

Ward Choir - Ward Choir meets Sundays at 12:40 in the chapel. For more info contact Lauren Olson (801) 361-1310

Saturday, September 14,  10 am   Friend to Friend for Children  (Churchwide online)

Thursday, September 19,   6:30 pm  Women's Conference at the Stake Center(1845 E 7200 S)

Saturday, September 21,  Butler West Stake Conference: Whitmore Ward Building (6890 S. Whitmore Way) Visiting General Authority Seventy: Elder Yoon Hwan Choi 3:00-5:00 pm - Leadership Session; 6:00-8:00 pm - Adult Session

Sunday, September 22, , Butler West Stake Conference - at the Whitmore Ward building: Visiting General Authority Seventy: Elder Yoon Hwan Choi 8:00 - 9:30 am Youth/YSA Devotional ; 10 am - 12:00 pm, General Session

Sunday, Sep 22 6:30-7:00 pm  Neighborhood Walk About -Look for the signs that morning

Saturday, October 5,  (10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm) General Conference 

Sunday, October 6, (10 am 2 pm)General Conference

Thursday, October 10  Butler West Stake Blood Drive 1-7 pm @ Butler West Stake Center (1845 E 7200 S) The next Butler West Stake Blood Drive is on October 10th, please see the attached. The QR Code is the only item needed for an individual to sign up online. Youth 16 & 17 can participate if the attached parental consent form is completed. QR Code, poster and parental consent form are below. The stake is to sign up 43 volunteers online prior to the blood drive, which works out to be 7 per ward.

Sunday, October 27 10:30 am  Primary Sacrament Meeting Program

Scan to make appointment


Saturday, October 12 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 3 Supervisor :

Names: Banks, Caleb & Faith Banks, Joseph & Randolyn Barger, Brad & Allison Barnett, Russell & Linda Bradley, Mark & Jan Brog, Anton & Liz Brown, Susan Gill, Bushra

Saturday, September 28@ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 1 Supervisor :

Names: Allison, Greg & Janice Allison, Mark & Kathleen Anderson, Ben & Nicole Arias Yepes, Sergio Luis Armstrong, Jed & Heather Asbury, Paul Babcock, Sam & Angela

Saturday, October 5 @ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 2 Supervisor :

Names: Bailey, Travis & Mary Bode, Cal & Kelley Lunt, Jason & Jacqueline Strong, Nathan & Krista Hille, Spencer & Emily Stanworth, Daniel & Lisa

Saturday, September 21@ 8am Cleaning Crew Group 17 Supervisor :

Names: Westlake, Stephen & Jennifer Weston, Craig & Julee Williams, Amber Williams, Steffie Wilmarth, Matthew & Lauren Winterton, Warren & Colleen Wright, Cathy Zufelt, Michael & Trudy

Need Help with Your Temple and Family History Work?

Please call or text one of our ward Temple and Family History consultants to help you!

Randolyn Banks, 1 816, 703-7708

Carol Lasson, 801-244-9093

Or our ward Temple and Family History Leader, Joseph Banks, 1 816-703-7304


September 8

Peggy Smith RS 1st Counselor


September 8

Carrie Taylor    RS 1st Counselor

Cathy Wright   RS Instructor

Steffie Williams   RS Instructor

Learn what’s new!

We invite you to click on

Temple and Family History

for our ward’s temple and family history news and tips!

Please consider serving as a Draper Temple Service Missionary

With the lifting of COVID restrictions in the temples there is a dire need of more church service missionaries to serve in the laundry

  • 4 hrs per week

  • Tuesday through Saturday needed - especially Friday and Saturday evenings

  • Instructions for how to signup online

  • Have questions? Call the laundry supervisor, Sister Kathy Nielsen at 801-576-4240 extension 128

Members who have served in the laundry will tell you that the service is indeed a joy, and a labor of love that makes a real and tangible difference in supporting the work of redeeming the dead.

Please Renew your Temple Recommend


Spencer Hille (385) 313-4201

to schedule an appointment.

To schedule a temple renewal interview with a member of the Stake Presidency, please scan the QR code below (with your mobile device or camera) or enter the web address below the QR Code into your web browser.

Butler West Stake Presidency temple recommend schedule. Sundays between 2pm - 4pm Butler West Stake Center 1845 East 7200 South

Scan Me