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Sunday School

April 19–25

Doctrine and Covenants 41–44

“My Law to Govern My Church”

“If thou shalt ask,” the Lord promised, “thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61). What questions can you ask in order to receive the revelation you need?

The rapid growth of the Church in 1830 and 1831—especially the rush of new converts coming to Kirtland, Ohio—was exciting and encouraging to the Saints. But it also presented some challenges. How do you unify a quickly expanding body of believers, especially when they are bringing with them doctrine and practices from their previous faiths? For example, when Joseph Smith arrived in Kirtland in early February 1831, he found new members sharing common property in a genuine attempt to imitate the New Testament Christians (see Acts 4:32–37). The Lord made some important corrections and clarifications on this and other topics, largely through a revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 42, that He called “my law to govern my church” (verse 59). In this revelation, we learn truths that are fundamental in establishing the Lord’s Church in the latter days, including a significant promise making clear that there is always more to learn: “If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61).

April 18

Elders Quorum, Relief Society, Aaronic Priesthood & Young Women

May 2

Elders Quorum, Relief Society, Aaronic Priesthood & Young Women